Stellenangebot / vacancy: Research Assisstent

Das SAPIENS-Netzwerk (SAPIENS=Sustainability and Procurement in International, European, and National Systems), ist ein innovatives Ausbildungsnetzwerk (ITN), das durch das Marie-Sklodowska-Curie-Programm Horizon2020 der EU finanziert wird. Es ist das weltweit umfangreichste Doktorandenprogramm zu Nachhaltigkeit und Beschaffung.

Wir, forum vergabe e.V., unterstützen das SAPIENS-Netzwerk seit 2019.

More information:

It’s a 13-month position as Research Assistant  with Prof. Malgorzata Koszewska at the Lodz University (Poland) . The selected candidate won’t be enrolled into a PhD School but  will have to publish at least 2 publications in the Web of Science or Scopus indexed Journals as an Early-Stage Researcher within the SAPIENS Network.

Please note that to be eligible, the candidate:

  • must hold a Master’s Degree or equivalent qualifications 
  • must be in the first four years of her/his research career (reserach rule);
  • must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Poland  for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the recruitment date (mobility rule);
  • must be willing to live in Poland for a year and to travel to the Partner Organisations countries for training activities and secondments (according to the details provided in the job post);
  • must not hold a PhD;
  • must have solid written and oral communication skills in English.


Applications failing to include the requested documentation or submitted after the deadline 11.10.2023 will not be considered.

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